Avrdude 6.3 Windows

  1. Avrdude 6.3 Windows Update
  2. Avrdude 6.3 Windows Download

AVRDUDE 6.3 released posted by joergwunsch, Tue 16 Feb 2016 10:12:21 PM UTC - 0 replies. Seems like a lot of news was missing here. So here is a summary of new things since version 6.0.1. The issue only occurs with Arduino's build of avrdude 6.3. As you can see from the logfile, the stock avrdude 6.3 works with libusb-win32, including setting the sck period.

Posted by3 years ago

I am trying to use a generic usbasp programmer on Windows 10 but so far the setup is not working.

I have installed the latest WINAVR package (dated 2010) from Sourceforge and used Zadig to install the WinUSB driver. Windows Device Manager reports that I have a working usbasp device running, but AVRDUDE stops almost immediately with 'could not find USB device 'USBasp' with vid=0x16c0 pid=0x5dc'. I have confirmed that the vid and pid for the usbasp in Device Manager match those numbers and 'the device is working properly'. I have tried rebooting and also running AVRDUDE in an administrator command window.

Although I would like to get this running, it's not a blocker as the PC spends most of its time in Debian 8, where everything worked first time!

Any thoughts?

Active9 months ago
Avrdude 6.3 Windows

I have an original Arduino Uno board purchased directly from the official arduino website. I have used it successfully with IDE v1.8.5 on my Windows 10 laptop for various projects in the last 6 months.

Recently my laptop stopped working and I tried shifting the IDE to my old windows 8 laptop. I installed the latest IDE v1.8.8 on it. But whenever I am trying to upload the sample blink code to the arduino, I am getting the following - 'stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding' error.

I have verified that the I have selected the right board - 'Arduino/Genuino Uno' in the IDE. I can also see the driver installed in the windows 'Device Manager' with COM3 as the port. I have selected COM3 as the port in the IDE as well.

Thinking that its a bit old windows 8 laptop, I tried installing the IDE on two other newer laptops (windows 7 and 10) along with the same troubleshooting steps as above. But unfortunately, same results.

Avrdude 6.3 Windows

I looked at the many links on internet and tried the following steps, but no luck so far.

  • Resetting the board: It flashes the LED on the pin 13 twice which means the chips are ok and resetting the board. This where I think the board is functioning well.
  • Tried using both 'Upload' and 'Upload using programmer' mode from IDE.
  • Restarting laptops multiple times.
  • Unplugging USB cable between laptop and arduino several times.
  • Reinstalled arduino ide version 1.8.5 which was on my old laptop.

Do I need to choose Tools --> Programmers? I guess this is not needed as I am using USB to upload code, but please advice. What else can I try? Please help !!

Here is the complete error:

UPDATE 1:In the meanwhile -

  • I also changed my USB cable.
  • Tried on a MAC laptop as well.

No luck with these approaches as well.

I also tried the Arduino loopback test with my board and it is giving me positive results which suggests that my board is processing the data. May be the problem is only when uploading the code. I have updated my original post as well with these steps.

Still need help!

Thanks in advance,



1 Answer

Avrdude 6.3 Windows Update

The output shows that avrdude (the uploading program) can contact your Arduino and is able to detect some settings. But as soon as it tries to upload it doesn't get the correct answers. Seems like the bootloader is damaged. Try to burn a new bootloader (you need an ICSP programmer for that, another Arduino with a special sketch and some basic hardware might do the job too).


Avrdude 6.3 Windows Download

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